So Annoying !


Sorry dear , its no more word that can describe you , i think this is most SUITABLE 

Annoying and Annoying and so Annoying !

Nowadays , i feel so weird to see the kind of human behavior that for me its so STRANGE . I still cant stop my mind to think  . WHY their been like that ? WHAT their want ? Who ask them to do that ? . . . ohh my godness ! its so useless !

Yeahh , nowadays overall had known about TWITTER ? FACEBOOK ? INSTAGRAM ? and MYSPACE ? myspace ? errrr . . .  also can lah ! I think forsure you all also had heard about TWEETFAMOUS ? HOTSTUFF ? and what else . 

The title may not be strange for those who always spend their time to social sites. . However, that makes it weird , when someone is trying to get some attention with doing bloody fool  job to chase the title to became HOT & FAMOUS ! such a bitch !

Whether you need to post saying that you hate your father ? post and say that you are not from malaysian but in fact seeing your face light is a citizen of  Malaysia and live in Malaysia ? should the say that you already do not have a virgin ? For what all this matter you do ? ? ? FOR WHAT ?!

I do not think there is also a wish to draw attention to embarrass yourself . Does she not know that the world has seen a stupid act that has been done ? I don't want to open the shame of of them but  feeling very sad when saw people who look like this .What a shame !

I think , all of you can think positively all people outside that who feel what i said .  . enough lah , stop it . . . its not a joke , its watse your time dear friends . . they are many way to you get more attention from others . . but not with this bloody fool way ! All said had done , last for me " THINK BEFORE YOU DO , YOU CAN SAY SOMETHING BUT NOT EVERYTHING

Syukran , Anda Secara Tidak Langsung Termasuk Dalam Diari Kehidupan Ini

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